Saturday, 7 July 2012


"A Great Artist is Always Before his Time or Behind it" - George Edward Moore.

          Well, Art is the only thing which beautify's the culture of Vision. The more the art you know, The better you would like to see. Pencil Art is one such rare tribute in the history of art which only a few Artists like JD Hillbery, Brian Duey, T.S Abe, Cesar De Valle, Henrik, Linda Huber have mastered. The Magic of Vision they say is to look different Colors. But, can you imagine you feel better by seeing only with two Colors (Black & White). I'd never believe it. I Said Hell NO... But, These Drawings by SOMESH CHARY, a VVIT'Ian From IT Dept.(2008-2012) has proved me Wrong. 
Today, He is here to ArT!fY us.. With His 3D Pencil Sketching ART...

To Encourage, Expose and Enhance ART

Well Check out for yourselves, the beauty of PENCIL and CHALK ART's By SOMESH CHARY.


CHALK ART: Chalk Art looks just like inverted PENCIL ART. They Say Black Color is not so good to look at. But, This art makes us realize that this Black Color helps the White Glow and Dominate it. The Beauty of Blackness is just like the candle melting down to give Light. Check out the Ultimate Chalk Art By our Dearest VVIT'Ian SOMESH CHARY

PS: CONTACT us if you believe in your ART

Sunday, 25 March 2012

3D Pictures Using Pencil Shades...

Have you Ever Heard Of 3D Pencil Sketches.. ?? It's Surely an Art which only a few Art Lovers are Aware of.. But, Surely.. All the First Time Viewers of this ART Follow it FOREVER...

Well.. If you ask me about the Best Artist in 3D Pencil Sketches.. I would say.. Its Fredo a chilean artist who draws absolutely Mind Blowing 3D Pencil Sketches.. 

Well, Fredo is not my friend for me to get his pictures... But, I have the pictures of 3D Pencil Sketches from our VVIT Fredo... He is RISHIKESH from 2nd Year Electronics and Communication Department..

Today, He is here to ArT!fY us.. With His 3D Pencil Sketching ART...

To Encourage..... Expose..... Enhance ART

Contact US.. if you Believe in your ART...



What is This Blog About ??

"A sculptor is a person who is interested in the shape of things, a poet in words, a musician by sounds"
          There are Different Types of Arts.. And almost all of them.. Amuse us in the First... and Entertain us all the time... There are many Artists in our College VVIT... This is to Expose them to the World of ART...

This is the PLATFORM of AKSHARA to Encourage,Expose and Enhance the Artists of all realms in VVIT...

Believe in your Art.. and Believe in US.. 

So,  ArT!fY Yourself.. ArT!fy US.. and Lets altogether ArT!fY VVIT and the WORLD..